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Courses Offered


Theatre Arts I - This class, also referred to as Drama I, covers the following areas: Theatre appreciation and evaluation; Theatre history overview; Play production; Basic stage directions, movement, and character development; Introduction to technical theatre, improvisation, pantomime, monologues, and scene work. 


Theatre Arts II - This is a course that will build on skills previously learned by students in Theatre Arts I. Students are a part of the MYP Program and keep a developmental notebook to map their progress through the semester. The course consists of improvisation, pantomime, monologues, dialogues and a one act which they write in collaboration with their group members which includes light cues, sound cues, costumes, and performance. 


Theatre Arts III (Honors) - This is a higher level class heavily based on performance and the study of acting. The students are required to audition in order to be placed in the class. This class focuses on build the whole artist. 


Theatre Arts IV (Honors) - This advanced course deeply studies the application and creation of theatre topics including: Theatre appreciation and evaluation: Play analysis: Play production; Advanced stage directions, movement, character development, and playwriting; Continued study of: technical theatre, improvisation, pantomime, monologues, and scene work.


International Baccalaureate Theatre - This is a two year course which involves researching, study of world cultures theatre, practical performance, theatre production, theatre performance, and the independent project portfolio. College credit can be earned through the Diploma Program. 


Technical Theatre I, II, III (Honors), Independent Study - This hands-on course covers the following areas: Theatrical design appreciation and evaluation; Technical theatre exploration in multiple areas; Creating technical designs and presenting your own work; Implementing course learning for an actual production. 

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